
No exaggeration to say that the indigenous Aceh synonymous with Islamic tradition. Because of the majority of the Acehnese people embraced Islam and Aceh is the gateway entry of Islam to Indonesia, so that customs and trdisi society influenced by the values of Islam are condensed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation Peucicap ceremony in Aceh society tradition among indigenous (local culture) and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad who is the source of Islamic law. The method used in this study is a research method literature to collect data and information from books, magazines, manuscripts, notes, historical accounts, documents, etc., kususnya relating to peucicap and stuff Another related. After doing research, it can be concluded that the Ceremony Peucicap in the tradition of the people of Aceh source is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad called tahnik, but has been assimilated into the local culture resulting in the development, additions and adjustments are quite varied but did not violate Islamic law which can damage theology, Shari'ah and Islamic morality.