
Today the need for life and the trend of life inevitably must be followed even become an obligation for women to help with family life. In work matters there are sometimes no separations between men and women. At present, many urgent positions are filled by women such as strategic positions, this is due to lack of honesty from men and often misused positions in work. Women are more honest in working, disciplined, fast and right in taking policies. Today many advanced companies are led by career women. The career woman referred to here is a woman who has a family and is more focused on her profession than a family. Where these women have two major responsibilities, namely family (home, husband and child) and office. By carrying out these two responsibilities at one time, it requires energy and thought and strategy in doing so. Career women can live outside due to technological assistance. Women are known for three things, wells, kitchens and mattresses. Now these three things can be run well thanks to the technology without the need for a lot of time. However, children's problems cannot be controlled by technology. The right choice to control children is to provide children's education in advanced schools that have been provided by the state and the private sector. In addition, career women must use the pattern of educating people first, namely providing special time to teach and educate children at night and instill religious knowledge. strong in children. In Islamic law, women are allowed to have a career provided that they have permission from their husbands and do not neglect their responsibilities as mothers.