
Usury is the determination of the interest or the amount of the loan exceeding when taking based on a certain percentage of the principal loan charged to the borrower. In this case usury can be categorized into two, namely usury relating to debts and usury related to buying and selling. Riba can also be understood as limited to the added value of the principal value in an economic contract. Riba related to accounts payable and debts such as usury qard and usury jahiliyah, while usury in buying and selling such as usury fadl and usury nasi`ah. The scholars agreed and stated expressly about the prohibition of usury, this statement refers to the book of Allah and the sunnah of the Prophet and the scholars' ijma`. Then Allah SWT always teaches His servants, to leave it, because usury causes lack of wealth and does not develop wealth. While sadaqah on the contrary, which can lead to increase and develop property.