
Learning to read the Qur'an is actually not difficult, boring, or time-consuming. There are only three important stages that need to be mastered, which are mastering the Arabic letters (Hijaiyyah) and their variations, mastering the diacritical marks (harakat), and actively practicing them. Moreover, the Qur'an itself possesses miraculous and supra-rational energy. In the process of learning, we do not need to worry about difficulties, because Allah has guaranteed ease in learning the Qur'an, as stated in the Qur'an: "And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" (Surah al-Qamar: 17). The truth of Allah's promise can be proven by ourselves, as the Qur'an is indeed easy to learn for anyone who is willing to take it as a lesson. Research will be conducted on the implementation of the Tsaqifa Method, an alternative method for learning to read the Qur'an for adults who are not yet able to read, with only 5 meetings. This method was developed by Ustadz Umar Taqwim, S.Ag. and published by the Adz Dzikr Islamic Foundation, Center for Qur'anic Reading and Writing Learning (PPBTA) Tsaqifa Method in Magelang. This method is suitable for those who are busy and have limited time to learn the Qur'an. The aim of this research is to improve the skills of reading the Qur'an in Dukuh Wonorejo, Sepat Masaran Village, Sragen through the implementation of the Tsaqifa Method. Therefore, the title of this research is "The Implementation of the Tsaqifa Method in Improving Qur'anic Reading Skills in Sepat Masaran Village, Sragen." From the results of the assessment of the score range of Qur'anic reading training using the Tsaqifa method, it can be seen that the score range of 90-100 (fluent) was achieved by 4 participants, the score range of 80-90 (standard) was achieved by 4 participants, and the score range of 70-80 (satisfactory) was achieved by 18 participants. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the Tsaqifa method has an effect that is spread across a wide age range, from children to the elderly. Although there is variation in the participants' ability to read the Qur'an, comments from the trainer indicate that the majority of participants have shown progress and need further practice at home to improve their Qur'anic reading skills. Overall, the Tsaqifa method can be considered effective in helping participants understand and read the Qur'an, regardless of age and initial skill level of the participants. The improvements achieved by participants who have undergone this training can be seen from the comments of the trainer, which show that most participants have shown progress in their ability to read the Qur'an.