
Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti pengaruh media sosial terhadap perilaku keagamaan remaja masjid Al- Muawanah kota Pekanbaru. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data Correlations coefficient product moment berdasarkan SPSS Versi 26. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan angket, populasi sebanyak 30 remaja masjid Al Muawanah. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa media sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku keagamaan remaja masjid Al-Muawanah. Nilai koefisien korelasi berjumlah 0,828 (82,8%) berada pada interval 0,81-1,00. Ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel independent (Media Sosial) berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependent (Perilaku Keagamaan Remaja Masjid). Koefisien regresi X berjumlah 0,667 menandakan setiap penambahan 1% nilai media sosial, bertambah nilai Perilaku Keagamaan sebesar 0,667. Koefisien regresi tersebut bernilai positif, sehingga arah pengaruh variabel X terhadap Y adalah positif, maka nilai koefisien determinasi 0,686 (68,6%). Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Media Sosial terhadap Perilaku Keagamaan remaja masjid Al-Muawanah kota Pekanbaru. Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, Perilaku Keagamaan, Remaja. Abstract   This study aims to examine the influence of social media on the religious behaviour of adolescents at the Al-Muawanah mosque in Pekanbaru. Using quantitative methods with data analysis techniques Correlations coefficient product moment based on SPSS Version 26. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and questionnaires, a population of 30 young people at the Al Muawanah mosque. The results of the study found that social media had a positive effect on the religious behaviour of adolescents at the Al-Muawanah mosque. The correlation coefficient value is 0.828 (82.8%) in the interval 0.81-1.00. This shows that the independent variable (Social Media) influences the dependent variable (Religious Behaviour of Mosque Youth). The regression coefficient X is 0.667 indicating that for every 1% addition of social media value, the value of Religious Behaviour increases by 0.667. The regression coefficient is positive, so the direction of the influence of variable X on Y is positive, so the coefficient of determination is 0.686 (68.6%). There is a significant influence between Social Media on the Religious Behaviour of adolescents at the al-muawanah mosque, Pekanbaru city. Keywords: Social Media, Religious Behaviour, Adolescents.