
The attention of ‘Umar bin Ahmad Baraja (L. 1913M/W. 1990 M) to the morals of children is very high. ‘Umar bin Ahmad Baraja requires children to have noble morals since childhood, namely by seeking the pleasure of Allah swt., loving their families, and all humans. This is why‘Umar bin Ahmad Baraja ‘wrote several books on moral education, in the form of Al-Akhlak li Al-Banin published in for volumes (volumes one to for), and the book Al-Akhlak li Al-Banat which was published in there volumes. Focus this research is the books Al-Akhlak li Al-Banin volume one, published in Surabaya by Maktabah Ahmad bin Said bin Nabhan and Awladih. The contents of the book of Al-Akhlak li Al-Banin volume one is written in simple language so that it is easy to understand and systematic learning of morals. The focus of discussion is in accordance with the objective, namely, the delivery of moral values to children. Meanwhile, the purpose of moral formation in this book is to produce children who are useful in this world and in the hereafter.