Implementasi Kitab Alala Karya Al-Zarnuji Dalam Pengembangan Spiritual Quotient Di MI Al Rosyid Bojonegoro


Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is intelligence that is in a person's self that is related to wisdom outside the ego or conscious mind. With spiritual quotient, humans do not only recognize the teachings of existing values ​​but creatively discover new spiritual values. This study aims to examine the learning of the Alala book written by Al Zarnuji in the development of SQ in MI level students. Starting from the decline in moral and spiritual values ​​in children, the MI Al Rosyid institution took the initiative to add to the learning of the Alala book which could be studied by children. With the aim of training and improving the value of children's spiritual intelligence through the teachings contained in the book. This research method uses a type of qualitative research with a case study model. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research was conducted at MI Al Rosyid Bojonegoro with a population of 165 and 28 students in grade IV were used as samples. The results of this study indicate that the development of the development of the Spiritual Quotient of children in learning the book of Alala includes about manners and procedures for studying, how to make friends, the virtue of studying jurisprudence, the virtue of knowledge and also how to be patient in this case, controlling emotions, and working hard to achieve goals. which is desired. The implementation of Alala book learning focuses on the teacher's ability to convey material using the lecture method, exemplary, and habituation of teachers and students. It is with learning like this that the spiritual development of MI Al Rosyid's quotient students becomes better.