Analisis Zakat Perdagangan Valuta Asing dan Zakat Hewan Ternak yang Diperdagangkan di Indonesia


The background of this research is to explore related to zakat on livestock and zakat on traded livestock, which are often said to be the same and follow the general animal zakat scheme and there are also those who argue that the two zakat have differences in their implementation, because the trading intention is applied to livestock zakat. traded which makes the zakat into the category of trade zakat. In addition to zakat on livestock and livestock traded, this study discusses zakat on foreign exchange (sharf) which in the implementation of zakat is carried out using trade zakat or using corporate zakat for those carried out on companies. This study uses qualitative research methods by seeking data and some opinions from references such as books and journals. It can be concluded from this study that zakat is an action to clean up assets from some of the assets that belong to other people and in the implementation of zakat there are several types of zakat as in this study, namely zakat on foreign exchange trade and zakat on livestock and livestock. which are traded, where each of the zakat has the same mustahiq, but in the implementation of zakat on livestock, it has differences with zakat on livestock traded on the grounds that the initial intention is different for zakat on livestock, the initial intention of the owner is to raise the animal. In zakat of livestock traded, the owner has the initial intention to trade on the livestock