Kategori Zakat Maal (Zakat Komoditas Perdagangan, Aset Keuangan, Profesi, Pertanian dan Perkebunan, Properti Produktif, Binatang Ternak, Barang Tambang dan Hasil Laut, dan Perusahaan)


This research is motivated by the definition of zakat which is a number of assets that have met certain standards that Allah SWT requires every Muslim to issue and give it to those who are entitled to receive it under certain conditions. Merchandise assets, zakat on property, zakat on professions, zakat on agriculture and plantations, zakat on productive assets, zakat on livestock, and zakat on products are examples of assets for which zakat must be issued, as determined by the Qur'an and Hadith. The purpose of this research is definitely for the benefit of the people. The intended targets include solving the problem of poverty, income distribution, and improving the welfare of the people and the state. This shows how important zakat is as one of the pillars of Islam. This study uses Islamic law and positive law as well as the opinions of scholars as a grand theory and fiscal Islam as a middle theory and theory of trade commodity zakat, financial asset zakat, professional zakat, agricultural and plantation zakat, productive property zakat, livestock zakat, mining zakat zakat. and marine products, Corporate Zakat is an applicable theory. The method used in this research is qualitative research, namely by reviewing the literature and conducting data analysis. Studying literature from various book sources, the internet, and also research journals that have the same topic as the researcher mentioned. The results of the study conclude that trading commodities are commodities that are traded. One important thing that distinguishes trading commodities from other assets is the intention and purpose of the asset owner to trade the asset (sale). Professional zakat is zakat that is issued from the results of what is obtained from work and profession. Agricultural products are all agricultural products grown using seeds and seeds, the results of which can be eaten by humans and animals and others