Analisis Wacana Kritis Program Blak-Blakan Edisi Keempat Jawa Pos Radar Semeru Tv
The Blak-Blakan program, which airs every Wednesday night, is the flagship program on Radar Semeru TV's YouTube channel because it is widely appreciated by the audience. The fourth edition of the Outspoken Program raises the topic of “Batik and Typical Lumajang Clothing, Whose?” and it's pretty warm. Regent Regulation Number 23 of 2016 concerning Official Clothing for Employees and Officials in the Lumajang Regency Government Environment is considered to have caused polemics and controversy. The polemic about Lumajang's typical clothing (PKL) depicting this regional icon occurred because it had not been specifically regulated by the local government. This study aims to conduct a critical discourse analysis of the Fourth Edition of the Outspoken program on Jawa Pos Radar Semeru Tv. The method used is Critical Discourse analysis from Teun A. van Dijk. The research subject was the Blak-Blakan program which aired on Wednesday, February 24, 2021. The object was the discourse built through Radar Semeru TV's Blak-Blakan program. The results showed that there were 2 discourses built in the Fourth Edition of the Outspoken program on Jawa Pos Radar Semeru Tv: First, Implementation of Regent Regulation No. 23 of 2016 which is strengthened by the Regional Secretary Circular Number 800/2471/427.1/2020 concerning the Use of Lumajang Typical Clothing for ASN in the Lumajang Regency Government Environment needs to be reviewed. This is because the batik and street vendors that are worn have not shown the characteristics of Lumajang's identity. Second, the discourse on batik and street vendors needs to have a clear legal basis. In addition, both of them must be registered as Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) for Lumajang at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that they are not adapted and copied by other regions.