Rekonstruksi Heterogenitas Di SD/MI Melalui Karakter Trisilas Pendidikan Multikultural Berbasis Multiliterasi


The purpose of this study is to build a trisila character (reciprocal, compassionate, caring) in order to strengthen heterogeneity through multiliteracy-based multicultural education. The method used in this study is a literature review. The results of this study can be concluded that multiliteracy-based multicultural education is education that is oriented towards building heterogeneity through four multicultural approaches and five multicultural dimensions combined with multiliteracy learning. Multiliteracy learning will be a tool for the success of multicultural education with its progressive character in utilizing students' potential and environmental conditions. So that the Trisilas character (Reciprocation of Asah, Reparation of Asih, Reparation of Asuh) which is a national character that will strengthen heterogeneity will grow and develop within each student.