Analisis Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Pada Mata Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam


Islamic education is not only about known about God or islamic concept,  but student should be able to thinkfull with agument, analyse data, and think critically. Crytical think is need a procces to solve problem, analyse problem, sub problem and think carefully with all point of view.  Student should be able to upgrade their critical think  skills actualy to learn islamic education. The purpose of this study is analyze and describe ability critical think students to learn islamic education in senior high school Al-Azhar Medan. Subjects in this study were students of class XI Tahfidz Private High School Al-Azhar Medan academic of 2020-2021 with  120 students as subjects. This study uses a qualitative approach to describe students' critical thinking skills based from critical thinking indicators and based on the collected quantitative data. The author measures students' critical thinking skills by using tests and interviews. Result showed that student criical thinks ability are consisted of high critical thinker categories 35,9% critical thinker categories 46,6%  quite critical thinker categories 11,6% and weak critical thinker categories 5,9%. Based on data SMA Swasta Al-Azhar Medan Student’s have been able to think critially in Islamic Education.