Moderasi Beragama Pada Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di Madrasah


A radical or liberal practice as a form of understanding that is too self-controlled and does not justify other people's understanding, thus causing violence, hoaxes, SARA issues which mutually undermine other people's understanding. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe how religious moderation is implemented in the curriculum at the elementary school or madrasah. The type of research used is qualitative research using library research methods. Starting from collect the data journals, books, etc., then analyzing and describing the conclusion. The results of the study are that religious moderation carried out in educational institutions is very effective where educational institutions are places that easily provide religious moderation education for each student. Islamic religious education must also be able to provide learning that is very effective in providing Islamic religious teaching material and adapting it to real life, where PAI has basically provided education about moderation. The role of the government and educational institutions to carry out a curriculum development containing religious moderation needs to be done to provide a middle way or a solution to minimize the existence of violent practices, injustice in the school environment or in the social community.