Efforts to Improve Children's Fine Motor Development Through Playing Pulp at the Age of 5-6 Years at Raudhatul Athfal Al-Fattah, Jangga Baru Village, Batin XXIV District


This research aimed at knowing the fine motor development of children through playingpaper pulp of the age of 5-6 years. Especially class B2 at the Raudhatul Al-Fattah Jangga Baru village inner districts Batin XXIV. The activity of playing paper pulp is one of the activities that can improve the fine motor development of children. That question that wants to be answered in this research is how to improve the fine motor development of children aged 5-6 years through playing paper pulp. The research is a classroom action research using a by project approach by taking the research object from the problem is found in the classroom, make use of used goods from the remaining paper learning scissors which is processed into paper pulp to produce a work. Through playing pulp it is hoped that it can improve the fine motor development of children so that the goals of learning can be achieved. To obtain data on the topic of the problem the writer used classroom action research, which is a type of research that aims to solve learning problems that arise in the classroom, and apply the theory of learning strategy that is most appropriate to the classroom conditions. As for the data analysis technique used in this study, it was analyzed descriptively using daily assessment techniques through observation sheets. The results showed that playing paper pulp is very influential for the fine motor development of children, from playing paper pulp of children to improve their fine motor skills, in these activities children can obey the rules given by the teacher by interacting directly with their peers, building friendships and communication between children while doing activities