Using Whatsapp in Writing Activities: Teachers' Voices


One of the internet learning tools that can assist with writing during the COVID-19 pandemic is WhatsApp. The aim of this study was to find out the teachers' perceptions on the use of WhatsApp in writing. Participants in this study were 2 teachers at SMPN 44 Palembang taken by using purposeful sampling. This research was a case study design. Interviews were used to collect the research data. Interviews were conducted with 2 teachers at SMPN 44 Palembang. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview data. The findings of this research revealed that there were teachers’ perceptions on the use of WhatsApp in writing activities, as follows: (a) independence from time and location, (b) grammatical error, (c) lack of vocabulary, (d) internet connection, and (e) incomplete WhatsApp features.