
Artikel ini mengkaji tingkat kesadaran petani sawit terhadap hukum zakat sawit dengan objek dan lokasi kajian adalah petani sawit Cot Girek Km.12, Lhoksukon, Aceh Utara. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada beberapa aspek kajian yaitu sejauh mana tingkat kesadaran masyarakat Cot Girek Km.12, Lhoksukon dalam membayar zakat hasil pertanian sawit, kemudian bagaimana tata cara pembayaran dan penyaluran zakat hasil pertanian sawit di desa Cot Girek Km. 12 Lhoksukon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat desa Cot Girek Km.12 Lhoksukon, Aceh Utara belum memiliki kesadaran untuk membayar zakat hasil pertanian sawit, bahkan sebagian besar petani tidak mengetahui adanya kewajiban membayar zakat dalam pertanian sawit. Selain itu, kurangnya sosialisasi tentang kewajiban membayar zakat sawit dari pihak yang berkompeten. Apabila petani diberikan pemahaman hukum zakat sawit, maka petani akan berkomitmen menunaikan zakat sawit sesuai dengan syariat Islam. ABSTRACT This article examines the level of awareness of oil palm smallholders regarding the law of zakat on oil palm, with the object and location of the study being the smallholders of Cot Girek Km.12, Lhoksukon, North Aceh. This study focuses on several aspects of the study, namely the level of awareness of the people of Cot Girek Km.12, Lhoksukon, in paying zakat for oil palm agricultural products and how to pay and distribute zakat for oil palm agricultural products in the village of Cot Girek Km.12, Lhoksukon. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative with observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the people of the village of Cot Girek, Km. 12 Lhoksukon, North Aceh, do not yet have the awareness to pay zakat for oil palm products; in fact, most of the farmers are not aware of the obligation to pay zakat in oil palm farming. In addition, there is a lack of socialization regarding the obligation to pay zakat for palm oil from competent parties. If farmers are given an understanding of the law of palm oil zakat, then they will be committed to paying palm oil zakat in accordance with Islamic law.