
Abstrak Dewasa ini desa wisata halal di Indonesia perlu dikembangkan, terlebih di masa pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini, hal ini bertujuan mendongkrak prekonomian masyarakat di desa Tambakreja kecamatan Lakbok kabupaten Ciamis melalui sektor industri pariwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menguak serta menggali tentang bagaimana potensi desa wisata halal di kecamatan Lakbok kabupaten Ciamis serta bagaimana faktor pendukung dan penghambat terbentuknya desa wisata halal di desa Tambakreja kecamatan Lakbok. Penelitian hukum islam normatif ini dilakukan di desa Tambakreja kecamatan Lakbok kabupaten Ciamis, dimana sumber primer dan sekunder digali melalui teknik wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor pariwisata yang ada di desa Tambakreja kecamatan Lakbok dewasa ini sudah cukup mumpuni untuk menjadi desa wisata halal, hal ini terbukti dengan hadirnya kelompok wisata seperti tersedianya makanan halal dan lokasi wisata yang asri. Dari aspek makanan halal/halal food seperti cimplung, growol, tempe mendoan, gula merah menjadi ciri khas makanan halal di desa tersebut. Dari aspek lokasi yang asri di daerah Lakbok yakni adanya alam persawahan yang asri dan kesenian tradisi masyarakat setempat. Dengan demikian potensi desa wisata halal di desa Tambakreja kecamatan Lakbok diharapkan mampu mendongkrak perekonomian masyarakat melalui berbagai sektor industry halal.       Abstract Currently, halal tourist villages in Indonesia need to be developed, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like now, this aims to boost the pre-economy of the people in the village of Tambakreja, Lakbok District, Ciamis Regency through the tourism industry sector. The purpose of this study was to uncover and explore the potential for halal tourist villages in Lakbok District, Ciamis Regency, and how the supporting and inhibiting factors for the formation of halal tourist villages in Tambakreja village, Lakbok District. This normative Islamic law research was conducted in Tambakreja Village, Lakbok District, Ciamis Regency, where primary and secondary sources were obtained through interviews and documentation studies. The results showed that the tourism sector in Tambakreja Village, Lakbok District is quite capable of becoming a halal tourist village, as evidenced by the presence of tourism groups such as the availability of halal food and natural tourism locations. In terms of halal food, such as cimplung, growol, tempe mendoan, and gula merah, are the characteristics of halal food in the village. In terms of the natural location in Lakbok District, there is a natural paddy field and the traditional arts of the local community. Therefore, the potential for halal tourist villages in Tambakreja Village, Lakbok District is expected to boost the economy of the people through various sectors of the halal industry.