Pemanfaatan Kartu Nilai Jamaah (KNJ) sebagai Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter di SMP Negeri 2 Paciran


This study aims to describe the benefits of the Jamaah Value Card (KNJ) as an inculcation of student character in the field of discipline. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, where the researcher tries to describe and analyze the benefits of the Jamaah Value Card (KNJ) as an inculcation of character education in the field of discipline in the congregation. The method used is interview and participatory observation, in the participatory observation the researcher observes the existing situation, observes the process of implementing activities, what is done by the informants related to discipline in the implementation of the dhuhur prayer in congregation. From the results of the study, it was concluded that there was a difference between before and after using the Jamaah Value Card (KNJ). The difference was due to several things. First, students are motivated to get good grades, they compete to get cards first in order to occupy the position or front row. Both students experienced changes because sanctions were applied to those who had joined together.