Tinjauan Hukum Kontrak Syariah Terhadap Perjanjian Baku Akad Mudharabah


Today's economic transactions are usually carried out through banks. Banks have an important role in people's lives today. Banks are a means of transacting, especially transactions that have a high value. In Indonesia, banks are divided into two, namely conventional banks and Islamic banks. This study aims to examine how the legal review of sharia contracts on the form of standard contracts/agreements applied by Islamic banking, especially in mudharabah contracts. This study uses a qualitative method of analysis. The basic source of primary data is the mudharabah contract form. Then it is supported by secondary sources in the form of books, journals and related literature. This type of normative research by interpreting the data obtained with the theory found in order to obtain a solution to the problem. The results and discussion show that the standard agreement has been made legally and is in accordance with several aspects of sharia contract law, but it is necessary to pay attention to the contents of the contract that can harm one party, especially the customer.