Membangun Critical Thinking Mahasiswa Melalui Metode Debat dalam Perkuliahan Pancasila dan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di STAI Pati Jawa Tengah


The ability to reason critically or critical thinking is one of the important aspects that need to be developed and possessed by students, so that they are able to analyze various problems and problems. To build and shape students' critical thinking, this is held through the debate method in Pancasila lectures and civic education. This study aims to examine and analyze the contribution of the debate method in Pancasila lectures and Citizenship Education in building and shaping students' critical reasoning. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. And this study shows that the debate method used in lectures, especially the Pancasila and Civic Education courses has formed critical attitudes and critical thinking of students, it can be seen from the courage of students to ask questions, students have the courage to express opinions, have the ability to answer, have skills in speaking, students have the courage to argue and deny, have high curiosity, have the courage to put forward problem-solving ideas, students have the will to analyze problems, are able to draw conclusions and have other critical attitudes.