
The problem in this study is that the ability to read the Qur'an and the application of the law of recitation of santri is still very low, so that it has an impact on difficulties in memorizing the Qur'an. Reading students need to get guidance to be correct so that it does not affect the meaning of the content of the Qur'an, and can help smooth memorizing the Qur'an. This study aims to determine the form of activities and forms of guidance for students of class VII MTsS Pondok Pesantren Prof. Dr. Hamka Maninjau. This type of research is in the form of field research (Field Research) through a descriptive qualitative approach, namely research that tries, describes, describes and interprets a situation that is happening in the field at this time. Collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The sources of data in this study were the principal of the MTsS school, the tahsin teacher, and the seventh grade students of MTsS Pondok Pesantren Prof. Dr. Hamka Maninjau. Data were analyzed by triangulation through 3 stages, namely preparation, checking and evaluation. The conclusions of this study are; a) Preparation of teachers and students, namely teaching materials, making syllabus, lesson plans, making concept maps, collecting resources, stationery and tahsin teaching materials needed for teaching such as the Qur'an and recitation books. Students also prepare books and stationery and students also bring the Koran, iqra 'and recitation books. b) The equipment prepared is the teacher making a syllabus and preparing lesson plans. c) The media used is the teacher uses books, blackboards, and markers during tahsin activities. While the sources used are the Qur'an, recitation books and Iqra' books volumes one to 6. d) The obstacle faced is the lack of time in tahsin activities. e) Type of assessment, namely the type of assessment, namely oral test and written test. In tahsin guidance, there is guidance with halaqqah. a) The approach used by the teacher is the talaqi method. b) Guidance is not always in accordance with the plans that have been made, and some students already understand and some do not fully understand the tahsin material. c) Constraints contained in the verbal assessment of students, students are sleepy and do not repeat the lesson. d) The response of students to tahsin guidance is that students can improve how to memorize the Qur'an in accordance with the rules of recitation.