
This study aims to determine the implementation of the program used in the moral development of MDT al-Jami'ah ADI Aqabah Bukittinggi students, evaluation of the program used in the moral development of MDT Al-Jami'ah ADI Aqabah Bukittinggi students and for the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of the coaching program. morals of MDT al-Jami'ah ADI Aqabah students in Bukittinggi. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques: observation, interviews and documentation. After all the data has been collected, the writer performs classification, editing and adjustments to the character and type of each data, then filtered it into a final conclusion. Based on the results of the research that the author did, it showed that the Moral Development Program for MDT al-Jami'ah ADI Aqabah Bukittinggi students could be seen from various aspects, namely: (1) The implementation of the student moral development program, namely the main program and supporting programs. The main program is a weekly study program conducted in the dormitory. Then the supporting programs are the muhadhatsah, muhadharoh, tahsin, tahfizh and lailatul Qur'an programs. All programs aim to make students have etiquette or good character. (2) Evaluation of the student moral development program is carried out by the coach to see the moral development of students in the form of daily evaluations and weekly evaluations. Furthermore, the evaluation process determines the steps that must be taken to improve the results achieved to the maximum and become material for improvement for the moral development of students in the future. (3) The inhibiting factors of the student moral development program are intentions, environmental influences, the return of new characters after students return home but the coaches have solutions to overcome these inhibiting factors, namely advising, motivating, setting an example and giving assignments that are included with evidence of the tasks that have been done. by students. Likewise with the supporting factors of all parties supporting this moral development activity such as vision and mission, coaches (lecturers), students and community leaders. Without the support of all parties, the moral development program will not be able to run properly.