
SMP Negeri 01 Palembayan is one of the educational institutions that is very much in demand by students in the palembayan sub-district. The results of observations while PAI teachers carry out the teaching and learning process are less mature, their learning strategies are less than optimal so that many students do not focus on paying attention to lessons, besides that there are also students who are busy with their respective activities such as the teacher continuing to explain learning. Therefore, the authors are interested in conducting research on PAI learning strategies at SMP N 01 Palembayan, to find out the planning, implementation and evaluation carried out in PAI learning. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, with a descriptive type, which describes the conditions that occur in the field as they are. The sources of data in this study were PAI teachers, students and principals of SMP N 01 Palembayan. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. while the sampling technique is by using snowball sampling, namely the technique used to obtain more accurate data starting from one person who knows more about the state of the field and continues to others until the data is at a saturation point. The results of the first study, planning learning strategies are less than optimal, both planning in learning objectives, choosing teaching materials that focus on material books without looking for additional other references, learning techniques that are less varied only use lecture techniques and question and answer class management which is not good because. Second, the implementation of the PAI learning strategy is inconsistent in carrying out the steps in the use of strategies using only direct learning strategies, expository where according to their own wishes, discussions focused only on activity, Application of contextual strategies Third, forms of evaluation of learning questions given in the form of tests and non-test, questions that are less interesting because there are no pictures or tables, relying on questions. Learning planning focuses on existing materials so that there are no additional preparations, the implementation of learning only carries out material delivery and assignments, evaluations are carried out by evaluating learning outcomes in tests and non-tests.