Virtual Religious EduTour: Penguatan Inklusivisme Beragama melalui Wisata Desa Pancasila


(Objectives) The purpose of this article is to analyze efforts to address religious issues in Indonesia related to the understanding of religious exclusivism. One of the efforts is to strengthen religious inclusivism through Virtual Religious EduTour in Pancasila Village. (Method) This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, and uses literature study as a data collection technique regarding religious inclusiveness in the Indonesian context, inclusive religious life in Pancasila Village, and the concept of Virtual Religious EduTour in Pancasila Village. The data analysis technique used is content analysis technique. (Findings) The results obtained state that every religion in Indonesia has the content of religious inclusivism so that it can be a potential anti-thesis to religious exclusivism. These values are represented in Pancasila Village so that a virtual religious-educational tourism program targeting the village can be a strategy to strengthen religious inclusivism.