Ruang Dialogis Sebagai Wujud Toleransi Antar Institusi Di Tengah Keberagamaan


This paper aims to know that tolerance is an attitude that needs to be developed in the midst of differences between religious people. The tolerance carried out aims to create and strengthen the ropes of silaturrahmi and relations between religious people, because the attitude of religious tolerance is a form of respecting and respecting differences. Differences are what need to be thanked in life, because there are differences, that is where there is a deep meaning in a concept of togetherness. The method that the author will use in this study is a qualitative method based on field data using data collection techniques where the researcher is a key instrument. The author's findings explain that religious dialogue alone is still not fully guaranteed in relation to building a sense of toleration between religious people. Because in fact to influence a person requires the calculation of profit and loss, modern man is quite good at using social reality in taking actions. The author thinks that in this study there is no discussion about the changes in modern society in relation to the logic of profit and loss in religious life