Improving the Quality of Madrasah Education through Madrasah Resource Management


Efforts to manage resources in madrasah are needed to improve the quality of education in accordance with national education standards. This study aims to reveal the implementation of madrasah governance in improving the quality of education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) Kalibening Dukun, Magelang which includes curriculum management, students, educators and teaching staff, finance, infrastructure, and madrasah relations with the community. This research also reveals the obstacles that occur in the implementation of management and their solutions. The study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method while the data collection use in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. The results of the study show that 1) In general, the management carried out at MIS Kalibening has been carried out well, including the breakthroughs. 2) The obstacles that arise are the absence of special personnel such as School Operational Assistance (BOS) treasurers and madrasa administration staff and the lack of functioning of the madrasa website as a means of information. 3) The solutions to minimize obstacles are reducing teaching tasks for BOS treasurers, recruiting administrators, and optimizing the media to establish relationships between madrasah and the community.