Analisis Da’i Nusantara Dalam Perspektif Ilmu Dakwah


Da'wah can be translated into two things, firstly, da'wah as an activity, which is an appeal or invitation to mankind to Islam and secondly, da'wah as a science commonly called da'wah science, which is a science that contains ways and guidance to attract the attention of others to embrace it. , follow, approve or practice an ideology, belief, religion of Islam. Indonesia, with the largest Muslim majority, cannot be separated from the role of the da'i in delivering da'wah. Many preachers who call for the teachings of Islam of course with various styles and ways so that they can be accepted and practiced by their followers. This article will discuss quite well-known Indonesian da'Is including Gus Miftah, Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, Gus Ulin Nuha, Ustadz Hanan Attaki who will be analyzed in the perspective of da'wah. This paper will also explain the figures of da'i, mad'u, da'wah messages, da'wah methods, da'wah media, and the problems of da'wah. Each of these da'i has different characteristics and segmentation, but between these differences there is still only one goal, namely carrying out da'wah activities that invite people to the path of Allah through Islamic teachings without any coercion and threats.