The influence of french culture on colonial architecture: The case of the commercial district of tourane (Danang)


The development of cities is sometimes at the expense of their historical value. This loss includes architectures that once held the cultural value of a city. This study aims to determine the influence of French culture and architecture on the downtown area of Tourane, specifically the commercial district, during its concessional period (1888-1950). To test the hypothesis that French culture is the core and original value of the architecture of the commercial district in the center of Tourane, this study used the main methods of typology analysis and graphical reconstruction of urban architectural space. The results of the study present the relationships between the architecture of the central market area of Tourane and French architecture and culture. These results reaffirm the core values of French cultural and architectural heritage that once existed and are an important section of the formation and development of Da Nang City.