Instagram Post: Boosting Students’ Writing Achievement


This study looked into the use of Instagram to boost students' recount text writing achievement at MAN 2 Palembang. A quasi-experimental design was used, with an experimental and control group. A pre- and post-test was given to both (before and after treatment). Purposive sampling was used by the writers with 42 people in each group. Based on the paired-samples t-test with t-get > t-table and a pre-test mean of 53.90 to 74.74 in the post-test, students' performance in writing recount has improved significantly. As a result, the sample t-test was intact by the experimental and control groups' post-test results, In the two-tailed degree-of-freedom test, the sig.level 0.05 output was 82, and the critical t-table value was 1.663 because the t value obtained 28.66 was greater than the critical value of t-table. Therefore, there was a significant difference between the tenth grade students’ writing achievement of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Palembang who were taught using Instagram and those who were not.