Published by Institut Agama Islam Hasanuddin Pare Kediri
Articles: 0
ISSN (e-ISSN): 2962-9381 (2808-3318)
Grade: None
Country: Indonesia
ETJaR: The scientific journal of English teaching is published twice a year in the field of English Education, English Literature, and English Linguistics. It is published by the Center for Community Service and Research of English Study Program, IAI Hasanuddin Pare as a medium that disseminates ideas and dialogue results of studies of English Education, English Literature, and English Linguistics. The editors receive articles that meet the scientific standards and book reviews that match the theme of the journal. Editors are entitled to edit without altering the content and intent of writing. Editor's Address: Jl. Kelapa No. 84 Jombangan Pare Kediri Tlp. (0354) 394721. Email:
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