Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam

Published by Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam SEBI (STEI SEBI)


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): Unknown (2549-3876)

Grade: None

Country: Indonesia

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN ISLAM Journal title : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam Initials : JAKIs Frequency : 2 issues per year (April and October) DOI : prefix 10.35836 by Online ISSN : 2549-3876 Editor-in-chief : Muhammad Asmeldi Firman Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi Syariah, STEI SEBI Indexing : Dimensions| Google Scholar| Garuda | CrossRef | Moraref | OneSearch The National Journal that published by Islamic Accounting Department, SEBI School of Islamic Economics. This journal focused on Islamic Accounting and Finance studies. The Journal is published twice a year on April and October. The journal aimed to disseminate the Islamic accounting, finance, and audit researches done by researchers. This journal has been issued since 2013 and published online since 2016. The journal is SINTA 4 accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia No. 28/E/KPT/2019 on September 26th, 2019 (Valid until Vol 10(1), 2022)

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