
Published by Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): 2774-5058 (Unknown)

Grade: None

Country: Indonesia

EduInovasi: Journal of Basic Educational Studies is a journal published in the Study Program of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah, the Islamic Institute of Laa Roiba Bogor. This journal is published twice a year in February and Agust. Furthermore, this journal is published in two versions, namely print and online. The focus of this journal contains articles on research on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education / Primary / MI / SD Teacher Education, such as competency analysis, learning strategies, learning theory, learning development, educator professionalism, and research results. Reviewers will review any submitted paper. The Journal kindly invites scientists, scholars, professionals, and researchers in the form of the contribution with articles to be published and disseminated through: the selection mechanism of the article, criticized by reviewer, and the editing process. P-ISSN 2774-5058

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