Date: Aug 08, 2020
Publisher: Mahesa Research Center, Mahesa Research Center
Published by Mahesa Research Center
Articles: 11
ISSN (e-ISSN): Unknown (2622-3740)
Grade: None
Country: Indonesia
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), publish by Mahesa Research Center, for sources of information and communication for academics and observers about science and methodology. Published papers are the results of research, reflection, and actual critical studies with respect to the themes of social and humaniora: Philosophy, Law, History, Philology, Linguistics, Literature, Art, Psychology, Archeology, Anthropology, Cultural Studies. Ecology, Economics, Geography, Education, Politics, Paleontology and Sociology. All papers are double blind peer-reviewed and published published in August, November, February and May.
Visit WebsiteDate: Aug 08, 2020
Publisher: Mahesa Research Center, Mahesa Research Center