Date: Jun 21, 2022
Publisher: LPPM Universitas Abdurrab, Universitas Abdurrab
Published by Universitas Abdurrab
Articles: 11
ISSN (e-ISSN): 2338-4921 (2614-1515)
Grade: None
Country: Indonesia
The clinical journal of science in the health analyst study program is a scientific journal that discusses the competence of health analysts which includes the competencies of Microbiology, Hematology, Parasitology, Immunoserology, Toxicology, and Clinical Chemistry. The clinical journal of science will be published every six months, in one period each academic year will be published twice, namely in June and December. This clinical journal of science was created primarily to assist lecturers, practitioners and students in publishing their scientific work. The background in making this clinical science journal is: 1. As a forum to accommodate the interests of lecturers in writing scientific papers, 2. Making the Dawn Health Analyst Study Program as a research center related to health laboratories, 3. As a source of information for the community about the importance disease detection in the laboratory as early as possible.
Visit WebsiteDate: Jun 21, 2022
Publisher: LPPM Universitas Abdurrab, Universitas Abdurrab