Journal of Sharia Economics

Published by Institut Agama Islam Al Hikmah Tuban


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): 2655-2493 (2655-2485)

Grade: None

Country: Indonesia

JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS, 2655-2493 (Print) - 2655-2485 (Online), is a periodical scientific journal managed and published by Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Al Hikmah Tuban. This journal specializes in the study of economics and Islamic economics. The manager welcomes contributions in the form of articles from scientists, scholars, professionals and researchers related to Islamic economic studies. The article will be published after going through the mechanism of selection of the manuscript, review of reviewers, and editing process. All articles published are the views and are the responsibility of the author and do not represent this journal or the author's affiliated body. The Journal of Sharia Economics is published twice a year in June and December

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