Published by Universitas Bangka Belitung
2338-6932 (2597-4874)
Society, (abbreviated key-title: Society (Bangka. Online)), with registered number ISSN 2338-6932 (Print) and ISSN 2597-4874 (Online), is an open access and peer-reviewed journal, published two times a year (June and December) by the Social Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Bangka Belitung. Our main goal is to spread the latest and original articles from researchers and practitioners in various social sciences, society, culture, and political issues. Society is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on the various topics include, but not limited to, Sociology, Social Psychology, Social Work, Social Issues, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Law and Society. Society is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No. 28/E/KPT/2019, rank 2 (Accredited B), valid until 2023. This journal collaborates with the Indonesian Sociological Association (Ikatan Sosiologi Indonesia (ISI)). This journal provides immediate open access to its content, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. In order to improve the quality of Society towards an internationally reputed journal, Society will publish every article in two languages (English and Indonesian). Articles received in Indonesian will be translated into English, and vice versa. E-mail Society:
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