Published by IAIN Samarinda


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): 2460-9404 ( 2460-9412)

Grade: M3

Country: Indonesia

AL-TIJARY (P-ISSN: 2460-9404; E-ISSN 2460-9412) is a scholarly periodical published by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, IAIN Samarinda. This scholarly periodical specializes in the study of Economics and Islamic Business and seeks to present the various results of the latest research, both conceptual-doctrinal and empirical, on the field. The editors welcome contributions in the form of articles, case notes, or book reviews from scholars, researchers, and professionals in the discipline of Economics and Islamic Business to be published and disseminated after undergoing a manuscript selection mechanism, peer-review and editing process. The journal is published twice a year

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