Published by Walidem Institute and Publishing
Articles: 0
ISSN (e-ISSN): Unknown (Unknown)
Grade: None
Country: Indonesia
Demak Universal Journal of Islam and Sharia (DEUJIS) is a journal that has a unique characteristic where the first name of this journal is taken from one of the names of the Sultanate or the Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia, namely the Islamic Kingdom of Demak whose people highly uphold human values, Islamic values, sharia, and always integrate world affairs with religious values. DEUJIS is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published by the Walidem Institute and Publishing (WIP) with NIB-1403230000838 and AHU-045053.AH.01.30.Tahun 2023 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, where this journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports, and book reviews that discuss the theme of Islamic and sharia studies. This journal accepts articles in three languages, Indonesian, English, and Arabic. This journal article is published every four months (3 issues per year). Currently, the journal has been indexed by several indexing engines such as Google Scholar, GARUDA. The editor-in-chief, main handling editor, reviewer, and all members of the journal editorial team are selected people who are competent in their respective fields and have research and publication experience that can be traced through various sources and media, both online and offline.
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