Efektivitas Penyaluran Dana Zakat terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Asnaf Gharimin di Masa Pandemi Covid-19


This study aims to explain how the distribution system of zakat funds in Baznas Bogor City on the welfare level of Asnaf Gharimin during the Covid-19 pandemic and how effective it is. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentations. The primary data in this study were the deputy chairman II for the utilization and distribution of the Baznas Bogor City, the head for the utilization and distribution of the Baznas Bogor City, and the head of the sub-section for the utilization of the Baznas Bogor City. The results of the study stated that the zakat fund distribution system that wa successfully distributed by the Baznas Bogor City contained 25 asnaf gharimin during the Covid-19 pandemic. For funds channeled to asnaf gharimin, it is given via transfer. The effectivveness of the distribution of zakat funds to asnaf gharimin is already quite effective. Because the community also really feels helped by the help of zakat funds, so they can meet their needs and live a better life..