Modul Elektronik Matematika Berpendekatan Contextual Teaching Learning untuk Peserta Didik MTs Kelas VII


Electronic module (e-modul) is one of the innovations that can be used as a medium of learning mathematics in the digital era today. Research and development method using Pre-Experiment method which will produce e-modul development with Contextual Teaching Learning approach. Contextual Teaching Learning Approach is a learning concept that connects between material taught with real-world situations that aim to make students better understand the material being studied. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis. The overall data is derived from classroom observation and interviews to teachers. The results of the data show that the development of e-modul Contextual Teaching Learning approach began to be needed in the present era. This study aims to determine the solution of the results that have been done in research, and produce an e-modul product for seventh grade students in madrasah tsanawiyah in bandar Lampung.