
ABSTRAK   Di antara terma ilmu ushul fikih yang signifikan untuk dikaji dan dikritisi adalah ijmak. Teori ijmak bertitik tolak dari kristalisasi ajaran dasar Islam tentang permusyawaratan dan persatuan umat serta mengakui infalibilitas konsensus ulama. Terdapat sejumlah persoalan terkait teori ijmak klasik dan dihubungkan dengan legal drafting di Indonesia. Setelah melalui proses pembahasan dan analisis, diketahui bahwa validitas ijmak tidaklah meniscayakan totalitas pendapat ulama dan otoritasnya bersifat nisbi. Pilar utama dari Teori ijma’ adalah spirit syura secara demokratis dan independen, serta mengakui infalibilitas konsensus ulama. Apabila dikomparasikan antara teori dan prosedur ijmak dengan pembuatan hukum Islam yang di Indonesia dari segi institusi, prosedur, dan mekanisme-nya, tampak adanya sisi persamaan dan perbedaan. Prinsip demokrasi, kodifikasi, dan unifikasi hukum melekat pada teori ijmak dan legislasi. Perbedaannya terletak pada mekanismenya. Ijmak berjalan secara alamiah, sedangkan pembuatan hukum Islam di Indonesia telah ada regulasi yang mengaturnya. Karenanya, produk pembuatan hukum Islam di Indonesia masuk dalam kriteria ijmak.   Kata Kunci: Ijmak, Legislasi, Hukum Islam   ABSTRACT   Among the terms of ushul fiqh the most significant term to lear and criticized is ijmak. The ijmak theory starts from the crystallization of the basic tenets of Islam on the consent and unity of the peoplere, also recognizing the infallibility of the ulama consensus. There are a number of issues related to the classical ijmak theory and associated with legal drafting in Indonesia. After going through the process of discussion and analysis the validity of ijmak it is known that the ultimate opinion of the ulama is not required and its authority is relative. The main pillar of ijma' Theory is a democratic and independent shura spirit, and recognizes the infallibility of the ulama consensus. When the theory and procedure of ijmak compiled with the Indonesian Islamic law regulating in terms of institutions, procedures, and mechanisms, it appears the side of similarities and differences. The democracy, codification, and legal unification princip are embedded in the theory of ijmak and legislation. The difference found in the mechanism. Ijmak runs naturally, while the Islamic law regulating in Indonesia has its own rule. Therefore, the Islamic law regulating in Indonesia is included as a part of ijma.   Keywords: Ijmak, Legislation, Islamic Law