
AbstrakSocial entrepreneurship adalah istilah baru di Indonesia, ini merupakan konsep yang menggabungkan permberdayaan sosial dan ilmu kewirausahaan. Konsep ini bisa menjadi alternatif dalam mengurangi permasalahan sosial maupun ekonomi yang ada di masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu konsep baru yang ingin dikaji menggunakan fiqh sosial adalah social entrepreneurship. Meskipun masih tahap awal perkembangannya di Indonesia. Akan tetapi social entrepreneurship sudah mulai banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Social entrepreneurship menjadi salah satu alternative penyelesaian masalah social seperti masalah pengangguran, ekonomi, pendidikan, gender, kesehatan serta lingkungan hidup. Penulis mengkaji program Social entrepreneurship apakah selama dengan maqashid al-syariah.Keyword: Social entrepreneurship, Maqashid al-syariah AbstractSocial entrepreneurship is a new term in Indoneisa, it is a concept that combines social empowerment and entrepreneurship. This concept can be an alternative in reducing the social and economic problems that exist in Indonesian society. One new concept is to be examined using social fiqh is social entrepreneurship. Although it is still early stages of development in Indonesia. However, social entrepreneurship has been widely used in Indonesia. Social entrepreneurship becomes one alternative settlement of social problems such as unemployment, the economy, education, gender, health and the environment. The author examines whether the program Social entrepreneurship as long as the maqashid al-Sharia. Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, Maqashid al-syariahÂ