
AbstrakDalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengkaji model konseling lintas budaya KH Abdurrahman Wahid, (Gus Dur). Alasan meneliti pandangan Gus Dur, karena Gus Dur mampu menerapkan model konseling lintas budaya secara baik. Selain itu, Gus Dur mampu menjadikan teks kewahyuan relevan dengan model pendampingan keberagamaan. Tulisan ini memaparkan model konseling lintas budaya Gus Dur yang dapat dijadikan rujukan konseling Islam dan konseling lintas budaya. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumbangan berharga bagi perkembangan studi konseling kegamaan di tanah air.  Abstract CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELLING PERSPECTIVE OF ABDURRAHMAN WAHID. In this research, researchers will examine the model of cross-cultural counselling KH Abdurrahman Wahid, then called Gus Dur. Examine the reasons Gus Dur, because he was able to apply the model of cross-cultural counselling. In addition, Gus Dur is able to make the text apocryphal works relevant to the mentoring model of religiosity. This article will describe the model of cross-cultural counselling Gus Dur which can be used as a reference source of Islamic counselling and counselling cross-cultural. This can be a valuable contribution to the development of counselling studies in some Islamic universities.