Kajian Makna Simbol Kupu-Kupu Terbang ke Langit pada Tarekat Qâdirîyah Naqshabandîyah Suryalaya Tasikmalaya


The Suryalaya Tarekat Qâdirîyah Naqshabandîyah (TQN) has successfully attracted most people and some of which pointed as the alternative spirituality searching for the modern humans. The Suryalaya TQN has a unique symbol in the form of butterfly, which then underlies all activities of the Suryalaya TQN’s Boarding School. The article aims at answering a question on “what is the meaning of the Suryalaya TQN’s butterfly symbol?” In doing so, the study employs Turner’s model of interpretive paradigm along with “processual symbology” approach. The study finds that: (1) Three dominant symbol characteristics shown by Turner have an intersection to the nature of the symbol used by the Suryalaya TQN, namely the condensation of many meanings, the unification of those different meanings and the polarization of the meanings, (2) Symbol has a meaning to the living dreams and hopes as well as refers to the stages of life whether as God’s servant or as His khalîfah/messenger, (3) The butterfly symbol is closely linked with the remembrance procession on the metamorphosis process, i.e. takhallî, tahallî, and tajallî, (4) The interpretation of the butterfly symbol grows the concepts of Sufism such as sincerity, patience, mortality, belief, husn al-zann (positive thinking), and rajâ’.