Developing ELT Material on Theme of Plant for Early Young Learners at PAUD Terpadu Joy Kids Makassar


This Study aims at designing English material at PAUD Terpadu Joy Kids Makassar. A preliminary study conducted in PAUD Terpadu Joykids Makassar shows that the material for students in Intorducing English vocabulary based on theme is still limited. The material consists only one page of vocabulary without any other kind of activity that might encourage and facilitite them in recognizing the English vocabulary. In this case the researcher intended to develop thematic English material for students.This study was Reserach and Development adapting ADDIE Model that consists of Analysis, Design,Development,Implementation and Evaluation. In developing the material the researcher concerned on developing "Plant" theme material. There were 2 teacher, 2 experts and 20 students involved in this research.This study found out the need of students at PAUD Terpadu Joy kids over English material. The data of students need then become the inventory need in designing and developing the material. Moreover, the material consisted of English vocabulary integrated with the theme,number,picture,simple sentence and art work.