Lamban Belajar (Slow Learner) dan Cepat Belajar (Fast Learner)


The purpose of this research is to find out how Slow Leaner and Fast Leaner children participate in learning at SDN Kebon Besar. To find out how the teacher guides Slow Leaner and Fast Leaner students at SDN Kebon Besar 1. By using the Qualitative method. Based on the results of research at SDN KEBON BESAR 1 researchers have presented the data in the previous chapter using the method of observation, interviews and documentation, it can be concluded, In following class learning, students who are slow learners usually only follow orders and the teacher, The way children learn in school is by approaching each individual by giving a good example so that it is easy for children to follow it, by learning a lot because learning is the main key to giving special lessons to slow learners and giving a lot of motivation so that children are enthusiastic about learning. Students who are fast learners seem unlikely to face obstacles in their lives and often teachers have the wrong view of fast learners. In the sense that it is often ignored and is considered to have been able to solve the problems it faces. In fact, fast learners often face obstacles that are difficult to solve on their own without the help of others.