Peran Teknologi Android Dalam Memahami Ilmu Ushul Fiqh Bagi Mahasiswa Hukum Bisnis Syariah Fakultas Keislaman Di Era Milenial


Writing the Role of Android Technology in understanding the science of Ushul fiqh for Sharia Business Law students in the Islamic Faculty of Trunojoyo University, Madura is the result of a learning innovation program held by the University of Trunojoyo, Madura. Usul fiqh as a means of law istinbath method must be mastered by students as candidates for mujtahid in the coming era. Considering the current era is a millennial era where everything is completely based on information technology, web, social media and so on. As is known, the Science of ushul fiqh as a methodology in formulating Islamic law is very important to be mastered by mujtahids or mujtahid candidates (students). A mastery that is qualified in the field of usul fiqh will give birth to valid and quality jurisprudence. But the facts on the ground show that students who are involved in the field of sharia / Islamic law, especially Islamic business law students of the Islamic faculty of Trunojoyo University, Madura, have difficulty in mastering this knowledge. Various reasons can be raised, both due to internal and external factors. Especially young people from millennial generation who are very familiar with information technology and social media, they will certainly experience difficulties if they are not approached according to their nature and environment. Therefore, a breakthrough needs to be made by using Android-based information technology with the analogy approach so that these millennial students are able to master Ushul fiqh, by creating a practical application that is easily understood by analogy techniques. The results of innovation show that student understanding can increase.