Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Elearning pada Kelas 3 di MI Nurul Falah Tangerang


This research was conducted to find out the Learning Media in the right islamic education eyes can be circumcised The success of the material on which the teacher above the students in Grade 3 MI NURUL FALAH Tangerang during the COVID-19 pandemic which is directly e learning. . The purpose of this study is to observe the learning activities of Islamic religious education subjects conducted in E learning goes well, even better in the moments before the COVID-19 pandemic. The type of research conducted is qualitatively descriptive describing the learning media of Islamic Education based on e learning in grade 3 MI Nurul Falah Tangerang during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Data from this study was obtained through interviews with the homeroom teacher who became the main source of this study. The results showed that religious learning media based on e learning needs a variety of media that support effectiveness and achieve learning goals by utilizing several social media such as youtube, animated images, editor applications for animated videos, and whatsapp as the main learning media. The implementation of Islamic religious education learning conducted based on E there are some obstacles such as no internet kouta, no mobile phone, the condition of the student's family that is less supportive for effective learning, students who do not do tasks from teachers, concentration when online learning is not maximal. The results of this study there are several that must be evaluated, for learning media in islamic religious education subjects in grade III MI Nurul Falah Tangerang, teachers are able to provide full creativity in the use of various learning media when applying materials, , condition in every obstacle that occurs so that the learning continues to run well and the achievement of learning objectives conducted based on e learing.