Dampak dan Keefektifan Penerapan Model E-Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SD Karawaci 8


During the current pandemic at SD Karawaci 8, learning media that can help online teaching and learning activities using social media such as facebook, whatsapp, googleclassroom, zoom and youtube, One of the teachers at SD Karawaci 8 Uses facebook media to solve the problem of parents who do not have internet kouta by using free-based facebook, if they do not have a mobile phone, at least parents can borrow a neighbor's mobile phone to communicate with facebook parents without using kouta. The concern of teachers at SD Karawaci 8 Tangerang is also a resource, making learning run well and achieving learning at SD Karawaci 8 Tangerang. It turns out that there are some parents who use facebook as a medium to receive messages from teachers, easier and more efficient. Facebook free mode can be a solution for parents and students in following online prison for those who run out of internet kouta and do not have a mobile phone. Facebook free mode helps parents who do not have internet kouta for their children who follow school learning activities without having to stop because the internet kouta runs out or does not have a package, and teachers should also be as motivation and inspiration in every issue that occurs. Not only facebook as a medium of teaching learning. But some other social media are also used such as whatsapp, youtube, and googleclass room. Various media are always supportive for the continuity of learning.