Pengembangan Media Visual di SDN Kampung Melayu III Masa Pandemi


Learning Media is the most important part in learning activities. Well-designed learning media will help students understand the material being studied. This research was motivated by the regulation of the Ministry of Education and culture regarding the implementation of education during the Covid-19 pandemic which required distance learning using online learning media. This study aims to determine the use of online learning technology during the Covid-19 virus pandemic which has spread throughout the world, especially Indonesia. This development research aims to compile a visual media about learning carried out at SDN Kampung Melayu III, as a learning medium for students at SDN Kampung Melayu III and to determine the quality of the media that has been prepared. The preparation of this media involved several experts. The instrument of this research is a questionnaire containing aspects and criteria for assessing media quality. The results of this study are visual media stored in power point. Based on the assessment, this media has very good quality, researchers use this media in learning to show that learning using visual media is more successful than learning without this media.